Hello Everyone,

We wanted to recap recent events, update you on the latest news, and let you know what is coming as we close out 2018.  Pretty much business as usual for Hartsdale Neighbors Association.  Our email list grows everyday and if you know someone in your neighborhood who doesn’t get our updates, encourage them to sign up!

GCSD School Bond Update-The school district continues to work on its plan for consolidation at the Woodlands Campus and Bond Investment proposal.  Earlier this evening they held a special meeting of the Board of Education where they discussed the proposal.  There was also community meetings with the Superintendent last week.  At that meeting an introduction by Dr. Chase was followed by presentations from each of the school principals and two key educators at GCSD. This was mostly positive PR: we were told about how well the students are doing (96% graduation rate, great college acceptance, 7% receiving scholarships), and about the great programs the district has (building relationships with students, working on discipline and absenteeism, Cornerstone Program academic support, Lobbyguard for safety, lockdown drills, Advanced Learning Program, International Baccalaureate).  When the discussion session was finally opened up, it eventually segued to the “elephant in the room”, which is the school bond. Dr. Chase made the following pertinent argument in favor of the bond:

  1. The BOE is still working on a “final plan”.
  2. The current schools are physically failing, and beyond repair.
  3. GCSD students currently have to make five transitions and this is not conducive to building relationships with peers and educators, nor to learning.
  4. This will increase real-estate values for the community
  5. They hired a PR firm to help them with community outreach.

Once a date for the vote is scheduled, we will be inviting Dr. Chase to an HNA meeting to speak directly to us on the proposal.

Edgemont Incorporation Update– The Edgemont Incorporation Committee filed their request to appeal the recent ruling by the Appellate Division, Second Department which deemed Supervisor Feiners rejection of the petition legally sufficient.  That ruling overturned the trial court decision where the EIC had prevailed.  The motion was filed with the Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state, which will now decide if they wish to hear the case.  You can read the filing here.  We will continue to keep you updated on this important story.

2019 Town of Greenburgh Budget Public Hearing– Tomorrow evening, 7:30pm at Town Hall, the Town Board meeting will feature a public hearing on the proposed 2019 budget.  This year’s budget, includes a $7mm allocation of Town Wide Fund Balance to go towards a future purchase and construction of a new Town CourtHouse and Police Station.  For comparison, the entire Town Wide Budget this year is $27mm so this is a major capital expense.  New items in the budget this year include $70k for a new legislative aide to the Town Board and $50k for 4 Corners consultants and studies.  This is a good start for 4C, but a far cry from what is actually required.  We’d like to see the Town allocate additional funding to this key intersection and devote resources towards coordinating what will be a difficult and large undertaking.

This is an important opportunity to comment on the budget and speak directly with your elected officials.  If you can’t make it, you can watch online at www.greenburghny.com, and you can also submit your public comments via email.  You can email the Town Board at Townboard@greenburghy.com.  You can view a copy of the budget here.


Eric Zinger

Hartsdale Neighbors Assocation

11/28 Update- Edgemont Incorporation Appeal, Budget Public Hearing, and More