Hello Hartsdale Neighbors, Two items with an update for today: Greenburgh Central School District and Four Corners 3/27 Public Hearing. GCSD Update As we are sure you have heard by now, the School Boards bond proposal failed last Tuesday night.
GCSD Bond Capital Proposal Fails
Hello Hartsdale Neighbors, We wanted to update you on the GCSD Bond Proposal outcome as the votes have been tallied and the proposal failed:1219 Yes2101 No*Note this does not include absentee ballots. We thank all those who took the time
GCSD Capital Project
In an effort to provide more information about the upcoming Greenburhg Central School District bond proposal March 19th, we wanted to set up a page that specifically focused on the school district. Our goal is to provide as much information
HNA Leadership Update 3/2
Hello, Hope everyone has their hats and gloves and has a chance to do some sledding today. As many of you may have heard, I have begun gathering signatures to appear on the ballot for the June 25th Democratic Party
School Bond 3/2
The HNA’s Schools Committee met with the GCSD administration and board leadership on 2/27 on the upcoming bond. We conveyed what Hartsdale people told us they still need to understand, and followed up with the below letter. We appreciate their