Hello Hartsdale Neighbors,
Two items with an update for today: Greenburgh Central School District and Four Corners 3/27 Public Hearing.
GCSD Update
As we are sure you have heard by now, the School Boards bond proposal failed last Tuesday night. The consolidation bond may have failed, but our school district still needs to address it’s infrastructure problems. Just because the vote has passed, does not mean the work is done. We urge all HNA members and GCSD residents in general, to petition our representatives for more state funds for Greenburgh Central School District. Even if it is too late to achieve significant change for this funding cycle, we should start lobbying now to be included in next year’s budget considerations.
Please write to your representatives! Ms. Stewart-Cousins is the new majority leader in the NYS Senate and also the Senate Representative for Greenburgh (https://www.nysenate.gov/senators/andrea-stewart-cousins/contact). Mr. Thomas Abinanti is the Greenburgh Representative in the NYS assembly (https://nyassembly.gov/mem/Thomas-J-Abinanti/contact/). There is never a better time than the present to lobby Albany for more state aid for our schools.
We would also like to remind you that the annual budget will be voted on May 21’st, along with 3 seats for the GCSD Board of Education. If anyone is interested in running, you can learn more about the process and requirements here. The next school board meeting is 4/23 at 7:00pm at Woodlands High School. There is no better way to implement improvement than to be directly involved in the process.
Four Corners
The Town Board is holding a public hearing “to consider the Draft Hartsdale Four Corners Study” at the regular Town Board meeting on March 27 at 7:30 pm (it’s safe to assume that the hearing won’t start until after 8pm). The full agenda for the meeting can be found here along with the Study and recommendations from the Planning Board. Comments by residents (up to 3 minutes each) are welcome after signing up with the town clerk at the meeting.
HNA is very pleased that the Town Board is holding this hearing and continuing progress on the Four Corners vision. HNA particularly appreciates the participation of Town Commissioner for Community Development and Conservation, Garrett Duquesne.
HNA representatives will offer the following comments at the hearing:
- Changing the name of the report being considered from “Study” to “Plan” or “Vision.”
- Changing the Study’s Policy to remove the word “(rental)” which, as presently contained in the study, could be interpreted as narrowly restrictive and, therefore, could potentially hinder future development.
- Requesting that the Town Board be willing to allocate funding for the necessary studies in the event state grants are not obtained.
This is another opportunity for you the community to weigh in with public feedback. We encourage anyone with interest to attend and share your comments.
Hartsdale Neighbors Association
Something in the neighborhood you think we should be aware of? We can be reached info@hartsdaleneighbors.org. Or send us a message on Facebook. Check out our web page www.hartsdaleneighbors.org