Please sign our petition to indicate you support using innovative mixed-use development (residential, retail and office) to revitalize the Four Corners area of Central Ave/Hartsdale Ave.
The four corners area of Central Avenue and Hartsdale Avenue is in desperate need of revitalization. Anyone who has walked or driven past that area has seen the vacant storefronts, backed up traffic, lack of parking and a myriad of issues. We want to change that!
Can you image a revitalized Hartsdale Four Corners that:
- Is pedestrian friendly!
- Is a modern and inviting environment where business’s thrive!
- Cuts down on traffic backups by expanding turning lanes!
- Helps meet our needs- be it work, life or play!
We believe this is possible and the first step is getting your support. The current zoning code for this area makes this prohibitive and frankly impossible without a change. In order to fix that we need to show that reinvigorating the Four Corners has the community support. So sign the petition and help pave the way for a Four Corners you can be proud of!!