The latest updates on the four corners revitalization effort can be found below. For timely updates and the ability to join the conversation, please join our mailing list.
Update: June 4th 2019
We continue to wait for the Town Board to pass the 4 Corners Vision/Study as a supplement to the Town Comprehensive Plan. It has now been 2 months since the public hearings were held and a vote was scheduled for 5/22 which was delayed, 6/2 which was canceled and now we wait to see if it will be scheduled soon. Supervisor Feiner has said this is a priority item for him. We’d like to see his actions support that.
Update: March 26th 2019
The Town Board is holding a public hearing “to consider the Draft Hartsdale Four Corners Study” at the regular Town Board meeting on March 27 at 7:30 pm (it’s safe to assume that the hearing won’t start until after 8pm). The full agenda for the meeting can be found here along with the Study and recommendations from the Planning Board. Comments by residents (up to 3 minutes each) are welcome after signing up with the town clerk at the meeting.
HNA is very pleased that the Town Board is holding this hearing and continuing progress on the Four Corners vision. HNA particularly appreciates the participation of Town Commissioner for Community Development and Conservation, Garrett Duquesne.
HNA representatives will offer the following comments at the hearing:
- Changing the name of the report being considered from “Study” to “Plan” or “Vision.”
- Changing the Study’s Policy to remove the word “(rental)” which, as presently contained in the study, could be interpreted as narrowly restrictive and, therefore, could potentially hinder future development.
- Requesting that the Town Board be willing to allocate funding for the necessary studies in the event state grants are not obtained.
This is another opportunity for you the community to weigh in with public feedback. We encourage anyone with interest to attend and share your comments.
Update: March 11th 2019
- The 3/13 Public Hearing has been postponed to 3/27. 7:30pm at Town Hall. The Hartsdale Four Corners Study was the subject of a positive recommendation from the Planning Board on March 6th. On Wednesday, March 27th the Town Board will hold a public hearing. At this hearing Planning Commissioner Garrett Duquesne will present the plan and discuss the process for Four Corners. In addition to the Study, and to support the concept, the Town has allocated funding for traffic and stormwater studies (which will be coordinated through a single request for proposals [RFP] process)
Rest assured, none of this would be happening without your support. HNA thanks all those who have contributed towards this important process.
Update: March 2nd 2019
- 3/13 will be a Public Hearing at Town Hall to consider the Draft Hartsdale Four Corners Study.
Update: February 2nd 2019
The Planning Board will be holding a public discussion, 8:45pm Wednesday 2/6 regarding the Four Corners Study referred to them by the Town Board. This study, which will supplement the Town’s 2016 Comprehensive Plan, identifies the many challenges faced at 4 Corners and identifies potential solution concepts for these challenges and plans for revitalization through significant investment. This is another opportunity for the public to weigh in on the proposal and share feedback. You can view the study online here.
Update: December 19th 2018
As many of you know, the Hartsdale Neighbors Association has been working for over a year now towards the effort of revitalizing and fixing the 4 Corners intersection of E. Hartsdale Avenue and Central Avenue.
Those who have been following along know that this was a citizen driven initiative. Since the first public meeting the HNA held in October of 2017, we have been the driving force for improvement.
The 4 Corners solution requires addressing, real complex problems that require coordination with multiple municipal agencies. This won’t be solved with the kind of “quick fix” or government by press release that we are used to seeing in Greenburgh and that is probably why this issue have been historically ignored. It wasn’t until Hartsdale and Greenburgh residents spoke up that it finally is getting some attention.
The 2019 preliminary budget originally included only $50k for 4 Corners traffic, storm water, and planning studies. After HNA representatives made the case to the town this amount was woefully insufficient, that amount was increased to $150k. A huge win for Hartsdale and the HNA. Thank you to all those who joined us in speaking out about the need for additional funding.
We are still in the very early stages, but we are seeing incremental progress. Here is a Lohud article from today that sums up some of the latest developments.
Update: October 31st 2018
On 10/24, the Town Board unanimously referred the Draft Study Vision Statement for the 4 Corners to the Planning Board for comment. The next step is for the Planning Board to review, listen to public comment, suggest changes, and refer back to the Town Board for approval. We thank everyone who has been involved in advocating for 4 Corners Revitalization. There is no reason whatsoever for this first step to have taken as long as it did, but we are finally moving forward. Rest assured this would not be happening without the HNA and your support.
You can download a copy of the Draft Study here. Let us know what you think!
Update: September 28th 2018
There was a Town Board work session(watch online) held 9/25 where the 4 Corners Revitalization Vision statement was discussed. There was overwhelming community support in favor of this proposal. The Town Board has finally agreed to take the first tangible step forward in the process. Paul Feiner has “promised” that the vision statement will be referred to the Planning Board in October. At that point, the Planning Board would review the proposal, make suggestions/comments, and send it back to the Town Board. If the Town Board adopts the proposal, it becomes a supplement to the overall comprehensive plan. At that point a new zoning designation could be drawn up, and applied to the 4 Corners. We have a long road ahead of us, but we are finally moving forward. Thank you to everyone who emailed and spoke. Without you this would not be happening.
Update: September 2018
HNA leadership has been meeting and speaking with Town Board Members in an effort to push forward the 4 Corners Redevelopment plan. We were originally told by Supervisor Feiner to expect this to be on the Town Agenda to be referred to the Planning Board in September. He is now saying there will be additional delays because of opposition from certain Town Board members. Unfortunately, there are now two more empty storefronts as both the Chase Bank and Ninjaya market have closed recently.
We believe at this point, we are long past the time for action by the town board. We believe the opportunity to rezone and revitalize the Four Corners intersection in Hartsdale is a unique opportunity for the town to reinvigorate the area. With the Trump Tax plan, pending Edgemont Incorporation and ever rising taxes, Hartsdale residents need tax relief now. Rezoning the 4 Corners presents an opportunity for building permit fees and increased assessable value, reducing costs for everyone else, that just cannot be passed up.
There is currently a Town Board Work Session for 9/25(Time TBD) scheduled to discuss the proposal. We urge you to email the Town Board at and tell them that you want action on 4C.
Update: July 2018
How can you help? Email the town and the Supervisor at and and tell them this is a priority for you and you want to see action!
We encourage you to use your own words but if you would like, feel free to copy the below. Spread the word and encourage others to do the same. Together we can fight for a better Hartsdale.
Dear Town Board,
Continued vacancies and the need for revitalization at 4 Corners are highlighted in an article in Journal New/lohud media today. Since the vision was presented to the Town Board on April 10, no action by the Board has been taken to move this forward. The Hartsdale Neighbors Association urges you to hold a work session soon to refer the revitalization to the Planning Board, where it will be thoroughly vetted.
Update: June 2018
The town board passed a resolution on 5/23 in support of a grant application associated with the Four Corners Study area. A link to the resolution can be found here and more information about the grant being applied for can be found here.
Update: April 2018
Did you know HNA came came to the town almost a year ago with the idea to revitalize 4 Corners?
The Town Board work session for the Four Corners proposal had an amazing turnout on April 10th. There were close to 50 people in attendance, many of whom had signed our petition. Inspired Places gave a very extensive presentation outline the current situation at 4C, the current zoning, market conditions and the exciting possibilities that could occur with different zoning. The Board members listened attentively and asked questions. They were given a large binder with all the details of the presentation to review. At the end of the session Supervisor Feiner asked if it was possible for a written supplement to the Comprehensive Plane to be given to them within a few weeks. The Board appeared to be hoping to move forward with public hearings as soon as possible.
HNA presented the petitions in favor of the proposal to the Board. There were 578 signatures in favor!! HNA is very grateful for all the work that was done to reach this significant number and we know that the community will continue to sustain interest going forward. We will alert you to the dates for the public hearings and organize visible support at those meetings. Thank you to all!
Update: April 2018
We are excited to share an update regarding the 4 Corners Revitilization Movement. Reminnder that Inspired Places LLC, a real estate consulting firm founded by two long-time Hartsdale residents, will be presenting a Town Board work session on 4/10 at Town Hall at 10:00am (details on how to view below). They will share how they envision a transformation of the failing intersection into a revitalized, vibrant neighborhood-focused area. The presentation will focus on key factors that underpin the vision, as well as about obstacles and challenges to it.
We are excited to share across the updated proposal summary in advance of that meeting. Click here to read the details or click here to download the PDF.
Update: March 2018
On 4/10, Inspired Places will be presenting the vision for revitalizing the 4Corners intersection in Hartsdale. This presentation will be given to the Town Board during a Town Work Session from 10:00AM to 12:00PM at Town Hall. The presentation is open to the public and we encourage you to attend if you haven’t seen it. If you can’t make it in person, it will also be available to view live online(or on demand later on) on the Greenburgh website here as well as televised on cable tv channel 35 for Fios and 76 for Cablevision. This is the first important step in asking the Town to adopt a supplement to the comprehensive plan that would include the zoning changes required for revitalization.
In addition, we are asking you show your support by signing our petition supporting the revitilization of the 4 Corners intersection. Public support is critical for moving forward and we want to continue to show the overwhelming support that we believe exists. Please forward the below link to sign the petition to anyone who might be interested. It is critical we get as much public support as possible!
In the coming weeks we will also be organizing a letter writing and email campaign to town leadership. Keep an eye out for that.
Summary of Four Corners Revitalization Proposal
Update: January 12, 2018
The January 30th Town Board Work Session for the Four Corners proposal has been postponed. We continue to monitor the revitalization progress and will update as soon as a new date is confirmed. In the meantime, please consider signing our petition to show your support for REVITALIZATION!
Update: December 30, 2017
The four corners area of Central Avenue and Hartsdale Avenue is in desperate need of revitalization. Anyone who has walked or driven past that area has seen the vacant storefronts, backed up traffic, lack of parking and a myriad of issues. We want to change that!
Please sign our petition to indicate you support using innovative mixed-use development (residential, retail and office) to revitalize the Four Corners area of Central Ave & Hartsdale Ave.
Update: October 13, 2017
A meeting of the Hartsdale Neighbors Association was held on Tuesday, October 10, 2017, which featured a proposal by Inspired Places, LLC to request the Town to allow for zoning changes for the immediate 4 Corners. The meeting drew a highly supportive crowd of approximately 100 people.
The discussion noted the problems for residents, shoppers, commuters, shop-owners and landowners created by the status quo. The solution to these problems centers on zoning changes, and the discussion highlighted the benefits that Hartsdale would gain through an innovative approach. Among them are:
- Replacing existing rigid zoning rules that discourage investment by more flexible, community focused rules
- Permitting mixed-use construction
- Promoting suitably designed and right-sized buildings for the site
- Increasing pedestrian safety through movement of cross walks away from the actual corners
- Addressing traffic volume & congestion by adding dedicated right turning lanes on East & West Hartsdale Avenues
- Addressing parking issues by adding several structured parking facilities
- Adding greenery, including possible green islands defining turning lanes
The presenters described Greenburgh’s deliberative and legally defined process for zoning change requests. They explained that it’s an iterative process, with a key public role. Reaction from the audience was overwhelmingly positive, with many speaking up about the need for change. When the HNA asked by show of hands whether the audience supported the proposed zoning changes, not one person opposed. At least one landowner has conveyed support for the proposed changes.
The next step for the group will be to request a working session of the Town Board, so more details can be explored
Press Coverage
Lohud, December 7 2017: Hartsdale: ‘Four Corners’ plan moving closer to reality
Lohud, October 24 2017: Hartsdale residents want revitalized Four Corners