1/10 News Updates

GCSD School Bond Update–  The vote for the GCSD district consolidation and bond proposal is scheduled for 2/12 at Woodlands High School.  You can learn more about the proposal here.  The school board has organized a series of local meetings where you can learn more about the proposal and ask questions.  See below for dates and details.4 Corners- The Town Board allocated $150k in the 2019 budget for studying the 4 Corners thanks to public feedback from people like you and the HNA.  That is $100k more than originally allocated.  An RFP is going to be drafted to use this money to help study the traffic and stormwater issues at the site.  The 4 corners vision has been forwarded to the Planning Board review.  In the near future there will be a public comment opportunity where Hartsdale residents will have the opportunity to comment on the vision


4 Corners- The Town Board allocated $150k in the 2019 budget for studying the 4 Corners thanks to public feedback from people like you and the HNA.  That is $100k more than originally allocated.  An RFP is going to be drafted to use this money to help study the traffic and stormwater issues at the site.  The 4 corners vision has been forwarded to the Planning Board review.  In the near future there will be a public comment opportunity where Hartsdale residents will have the opportunity to comment on the vision. 

Edgemont Incorporation Update– We are waiting to hear if the New York State Supreme Court will hear the latest appeal from the Edgemont Incorporation movement.  We will keep you updated.

Odell House–  Unfortunately the Town was not awarded the grant they had applied for to help renovate the Odell House.  HNA is currently pursuing a number of options with various government municipalities for ways that we can find funding to help restore this historic gem.Something in the neighborhood you think we should be aware of? We can be reached info@hartsdaleneighbors.org. Or send us a message on Facebook. Check out our web page www.hartsdaleneighbors.org
 Eric Zinger
Hartsdale Neighbors Assocation


1/10 News Updates