Our Background
By the early 2000s, Hartsdale based civic associations had mostly disbanded, became inactive, or were reduced to very small numbers of involved residents. In 2015, a number of Manor Woods home owners, concerned by ever increasing property taxes accompanied by stagnating property values, recognized the distinct lack of representation of Hartsdale’s interests in various Greenburgh forums. The town-wide re-assessment finalized in 2016 prompted these homeowners to form a new neighborhood organization aiming to represent a broad range of interests common to Hartsdale residents. The result was the creation of Hartsdale Neighbors Association.
To promote, protect, encourage and advance interests, activities, and projects that will enhance the area in which we live. We endeavor to foster neighborhood cooperation and self-reliance, community-based problem solving, enhance civic awareness and provide a vehicle for interaction on community-based efforts.
Our Beliefs
Encouraging debate and seeking to understand different points of view amongst our members increases the likelihood of making good decisions and strengthens the group’s sense of ownership of decisions. We will provide a forum for our membership to voice their ideas, opinions and concerns on community issues and to inform town government with our community input.
How We Work
- Engage Hartsdale residents, provide accurate information & seek consensus on community issues.
- Represent our members and concerned stakeholders on issues which may affect our community.
- Provide a forum to discuss openly and fairly, all issues important to our membership. Whenever possible invite experts and knowledgeable individuals on specific topics to inform our community with facts, to assist in better understanding of the matter at hand.
- Work with elected officials and governmental agencies on matters important to our community and membership.
President- Eric Zinger
Business and Economic Development Committee Chair, HNA Founder – Dan Weinfeld
Educational Excellence Committee Chair – Samantha Ives
Public Safety Committee Chair – Patrice Ingrassia
Communications and Engagement – Diane Ueberle
Founder – Luis Polit
Founder – Jason Muldoon
Contact us at info@hartsdaleneighbors.org or send us a message on Facebook