The Title has passed and the Town of Greenburgh, our community, is now the official owner of Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters! This house is an important part of American history and is on the National Register of Historic Places!

The work can finally begin to restore it. The Town received a grant from NY State of $600,000 in December to start the work. And we will start right away with the planning. Now we need to begin matching that grant with another $600,000.

The next important announcement is that the Friends of Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters is now a 501c3 tax exempt organization. The Friends are working hard to secure grants and foundation donations but we need your help too. Go to the Friends website,, learn more of the history of the house and donate through the site.

 All donations are fully tax deductible and will go towards making Odell House a wonderful museum, source of pride and a place of learning for our community.

The final announcement is please mark your calendars for June 14th for Odell House Colonial Day. Sponsored by the Town and organized by the Friends, it will be a family day to learn about colonial times, to see a militia in action and to meet George Washington and General Rochambeau!

Please help us achieve our goal and donate now to give our community, especially our children, the opportunity to learn about the important role our Town played in winning the Revolutionary War and securing the liberty and freedom we all hold so dear.

Big News for Odell House