Candidate Panel 2020 Greenburgh Central School District Board Election with Tracy Mairs and Ashley Pineda, Greenburgh School Board trustees

HNA hosted a Meet the Candidates Night for the GCSD School Board on May 20th. The candidates, Incumbents Tracy Mairs and Ashley Pineda, were interviewed by HNA Educational Excellence Committee Chair, Samantha Ives, with questions based on your submissions in a recorded Zoom panel,

Recorded Zoom Panel :

Questions to Candidates

Q; Why are you running again, and why should you be re-elected?

Q: Have your perspectives on the district and its needs changed since joining the board, and if so how?  

Q: In what way do you contribute to the effectiveness of the Board?

Q: What is the most important issue you believe the school board is facing due to the COVID-19 emergency?

Q: What were your top 3 priorities before the pandemic?

Q: Since 2016, the vision for GCSD has been to achieve world-class-school status by 2021. Have you achieved this goal? If yes, what measures are you using to substantiate this? If no, what are your plans to get there? What metrics are you using to demonstrate progress? 

Q: Before the pandemic budget, GCSD’s costs were significantly higher perpupil than other districts. In what ways can you as a board member align Greenburgh’s per-pupil costs with neighboring districts?

Q: The district’s infrastructure needs are a concern across the community.  Do you foresee a future bond? If so, how would you like to see the board partner with the community in the hopes of passing an infrastructure bond?

Q: Please address how you as a board member will work to reverse the trend of declining registration and to increase parent & family involvement in the district. What school and PTA events have you attended this year? Please tell us how, in your work on the board, you strive to meet the needs of diverse learners .

Q: What are the criteria you, personally, utilize when considering tenure for a central office administrator? The response from the community regarding Dr. Chase’s handling of the COVID -19 crisis has been overwhelmingly positive. Do you support extending her contract?

Q: Did you have any personal contributions under consideration in the current budget? Are there one or two specific items you like or dislike?   Looking back, what is the one thing you are most proud of during your term?

Detailed budget information and candidate bios at

Tracy Mairs can be emailed Ashley Pineda can be emailed

Ballots Due June 9th. Please Vote. All eligible voters will receive a postage-paid absentee ballot in the mail.

Candidate Panel 2020