Hello Hartsdale Community,We hope this email finds you well; there are a few reminders we want to share from our November newsletter and some new information. |
HNA PUBLIC FORUM ON HARTSDALE FIRE DISTRICT – this Tuesday December 6th via Zoom The Hartsdale Fire District has scheduled a referendum in order for the public to approve: 1) Issuing a bond for $490k and, 2) Purchasing the property at 23 S Washington Avenue, the property directly behind the fire station. This would be phase one of a multi-million dollar long-term plan to replace the existing fire station on Central Avenue with a new building. The Bond Vote and Election for open Fire Commissioner seats will be on held on Tuesday December 13th at the Fire Station at 25 S. Central Park Avenue from 3:00pm to 9:00pm. You must vote in person; there are no absentee ballots. Please mark your calendars and join Eric Zinger and the HNA on Tuesday December 6th at 8:00pm for a Public Forum for a moderated discussion with District Chief Maseda and other representatives of the district to learn more about the proposal. If you have questions you would like to have addressed, please email them to info@hartsdaleneighbors.org by EOD on December 4th. How to Join the Meeting: Topic: HNA Zoom Meeting-Hartsdale Fire District Bond Referendum Time: Dec 6, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84588697623?pwd=RlJibStsL3ordUZvcWwydGI1djlaUT09 Meeting ID: 845 8869 7623 Passcode: HNA and/or Meeting ID: 845 8869 7623 Passcode: 912829 |
2023 PROPERTY TAXES HARTSDALE FIRE DISTRICT 2023 BUDGET The Hartsdale Fire District (HFD) presented the 2023 Recommended Budget on October 18th in a public hearing. The 2023 total appropriation of $14,667,626 represents a YOY 8% increase of over $1.14 million The 2023 total to be raised by real property taxes $13,446,414 represents a YOY 5% increase of $638,773. The majority of the increase is to fund increases in personnel services. In 2022, the Fire Tax represented 6.34% of your total property tax bill. The detailed 2023 budget and meeting minutes can be found on the HFD website. TOWN OF GREENBURGH 2023 BUDGET The TOG Board released the 2023 Tentative Budget on October 28th. The 2023 total appropriations estimated at $21, 764010 represents a YOY total decrease of $7,616,867 with the majority of the decrease from appropriations listed as special items. The 2023 amount to be raised from real property taxes of $9,762,447 is equal to the 2022 amount. The Town Tax represented 11.76% of your total property tax in 2022. The detailed 2023 TOG budget can be found on the TOG website. There was a public hearing at the November 21st Town Board Meeting. |
OTHER NEWS Snow Ordinance Parking Regulations & Permit Information From December 1st thru March 15th overnight public street parking is prohibited in most areas in Hartsdale to allow for street sanding and snow removal. Hartsdale Avenue and metered parking spaces on Columbia Avenue have separate parking requirements.Hardship exemption parking permits, reviewed on an individual basis, are available from the Greenburgh Police Department. The permit must be displayed on your vehicle and cars need to be moved during snow emergencies. Greenburgh Central School District (GCSD) Vote on January 17th The GCSD Board has called for a public vote on January17th to get state aid to help fund an Energy Performance Contract. The contract with ConEdison Solutions will make our school systems more energy efficient and will include necessary replacements and repairs. With voter approval, the district will receive 10% of the cost of the project from New York State. The efficiencies and proposed upgrades will not increase school taxes as cost savings will be realized through energy system upgrades and state aid. If these savings are not realized, Con Edison will compensate the district for the difference. The GCSD Board of Education has already approved a preliminary contract but without voter approval the district can not receive state funding and the proposed scope of the project will be reduced. Snapshot With Santa The Greenburgh Parks and Recreation Department, and The Hartsdale/Greenburgh Rotary Club are hosting the Snapshot with Santa event on Saturday, December 3th from 9:00am -12pm at the Multipurpose Center at Anthony F. Veteran Park. In addition to the family photo, children can post their letter to Santa, directly to the North Pole. Slots fill up fast so we encourage you to register in advance. Toys For Tots The Marine Toys for Tots is asking for any help you can give this year. Toys you donate will be used to make over 31,000 children, who signed up right here in Westchester, happy. Toys can be dropped off at The Greenburgh Town Hall and many other locations in and around Greenburgh. Donations are much appreciated and can be deductible for tax purposes. Hartsdale Avenue Sidewalk Sale Come out and support local and small businesses at the Hartsdale Sidewalk Sale, by the Hartsdale Train Station, on December 10th from noon to 4pm. Santa will join the party around 1pm. |
HNA MEMBER INFORMATIONThe Hartsdale Neighbors Association (HNA) is a group of passionate volunteers who are driven to improve our community. We foster neighborhood engagement and community-based problem solving, enhance civic awareness and provide a vehicle for community-based efforts. If you’d like to be more involved with HNA and join the Executive Board, one of our committees or other efforts, please contact us at info@hartsdaleneighbors.org. |
IMPORTANT DATES Winter Street Parking Rules – December 1st to March 15th Snapshot with Santa – December 3rd HNA Public Forum with HFD – December 6th East Hartsdale Avenue Sidewalk Sale – December 10th Hartsdale Fire District Bond Vote – December 13th Town Board Meeting – December 14th GCSD Vote – January 17th |
December 2022 Newsletter