Hello Everyone,
Hello Everyone,
As you have likely heard, unfortunately there was another pedestrian accident on E. Hartsdale Avenue yesterday. We do not know the status of the victim but she is in our thoughts and we are hoping for the best. It seems that lately there have been so many accidents, even worse than normal. The status quo is not acceptable.
The Public Safety Committee of the Hartsdale Neighbors Association is compiling observations and ideas to prevent future accidents on EH Ave to send to the Police and the Town Board. Hartsdale resident Patrice Ingrassia leads this group. Send any ideas you have to publicsafety@hartsdale neighbors.org. This is something we did before in in response to the Central Ave/Sacred Heart Church incident and we compiled those responses and sent them to the Police Chief. Unfortunately, after the last incident, despite sending our suggestions to local leadership, neither the local neighborhood residents nor the HNA were invited by our Board to a follow-up meeting with the pastor, NYS and Andrea Stewart Cousins on it.
We need to be sure that Hartsdale residents are heard! HNA is working to organize neighbors and advocate for solutions that can help make everyone safer. In order to do so we need your help. If you are willing to commit time, please write to publicsafety@hartsdale neighbors.org. to join or submit feedback.
We will also be holding an HNA meeting in late January on public safety. More information on that to come as we get closer.