Hello Everyone,
We had a great time at our HNA networking event at Irish Bank in January. We hope if you were not able to join us to see you at our next event. We wanted to send out an email with a couple of important updates.
News updates:
4 Corners- The Planning Board will be holding a public discussion, 8:45pm Wednesday 2/6(Tomorrow) at Town Hall regarding the Four Corners Study referred to them by the Town Board. This study, which will supplement the Town’s 2016 Comprehensive Plan, identifies the many challenges faced at 4 Corners and identifies potential solution concepts for these challenges and plans for revitalization through significant investment. This is another opportunity for the public to weigh in on the proposal and share feedback. You can view the study online here.
Follow along the history of our efforts for the 4 Corners online at:

GCSD School Bond Update– The vote for the GCSD School Bond and Consolidation Referendum has been rescheduled for March 19th. You can vote at Woodlands High School from 7:00am to 9:00pm. For more details about voter registration, absentee ballots and voter registration check out the HNA website page here. Important note, if you voted by absentee ballot prior to the voting date being postponed you MUST do so again, your original absentee ballot will not count.
The HNA School Committee has been hard at work analyzing the bond proposal and information put forth by the district. At this time we have a number of additional questions about the proposal that we believe voters need answers to before they can make a voting decision. We are looking forward to meeting with the district and will keep you updated. We have been told an updated FAQ is being put out by the district this week and will share that on our website when available.
See below for a list of the next community meetings where you can learn more about the proposal. If you cannot attend or have specific questions you can also email the district at FAQ@Greenburghcsd.org. You can also email us at Info@hartsdaleneighbors.org.
Road Paving- Have you noticed problems with local roads recently? On 1/31 a NYS budget hearing was held at Greenburgh Town Hall on the subject. Supervisor Paul Feiner and our NYS Assemblyman Tom Abinanti were in attendance. If you could not attend you can watch the hearing online here.
Part 1
Part 2
NYS DOT has not repaved a single state road in Greenburgh for 4 years. Greenburgh deserves it’s fair share of funding from Albany.
Something in the neighborhood you think we should be aware of? We can be reached info@hartsdaleneighbors.org. Or send us a message on Facebook. Check out our web page www.hartsdaleneighbors.org
Eric Zinger
Hartsdale Neighbors Assocation