Hello Hartsdale Community, By now, you should have received your 2022 Preliminary assessments; and like last year, it’s a topic that is drawing a lot of attention. We have received many questions about what the impact of this assessment on property taxes. We have a town wide average 8% increase, but some of our neighbors have received increases that are higher or lower. This could have tax implications for individual property owners in Hartsdale. People are concerned because for most of us, our home is our largest asset and our tax bill is our biggest expense. INVITE TO A VIRTUAL PUBLIC FORUM ON PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS We have found that there is a lot of confusion and even some misinformation on the impact of assessment changes to property taxes. In order to minimize the confusion and inform the community, and to answer questions about the assessment process and help guide you through the process of challenging your assessment if you wish; HNA will be hosting a live forum with Town Assessor Edye McCarthy on June 14th at 7:30pm. The event will be hosted on Zoom and live streaming will be available on the HNA page on Facebook. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88031362991?pwd=bUpyRW92VGpFdEg0RVcydHhRWDBiUT09 Meeting ID: 880 3136 2991 Passcode: 10530 Send any questions you may have and topics of interest to us via email at info@hartsdaleneighbors.org by June 12th with the subject line “2022 Property Assessment Questions.” |
TOP THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE REASSESSMENT 1. Assessment changes have NO IMPACT ON THE TOTAL TAX REVENUES RAISED. All changes in assessments do is shift the proportionate share of the total tax pie. The assessor could triple the assessment of every single property in the Town and the Town would not collect even $1.00 more in additional taxes. This does not raise or lower your taxes .2. You have until JUNE 21st to formally challenge the assessed value of your property. You can hire someone to assist you with this, but it’s not required 3. April 1st 2023, the first tax bill that will be impacted by your new assessment. 4. The valuation of your property is based on a number of factors such as lot size, square footage, # of bathrooms/bedrooms, and property condition. Recent sales of like properties in your area will also heavily contribute towards the valuation. 5. Condos and co-ops are valued differently due to NY state law and as a result end up with valuations about 60% of their market value. So if you see an assessment for a condo and it appears much lower than the potential listing price, that is why. 6. Since the 2016 Reassessment, the Town is required to maintain it’s 100% equalization rate, where they maintain the assessed value of properties at 100% of their market value. That is the reason this recurring reassessment is occurring, and all properties are receiving an updated review .7. The impact of the assessment change on your tax bill is unknown at this time. Those with large % assessment increases will likely receive a tax increase, while those with little or no increase could receive a tax decrease. Remember the net tax revenues are unchanged. It’s also important to note that the impact will depend on the impact of other properties around you and may not be the same for all taxing authorities. For example, it is possible your Hartsdale Fire District taxes could be unchanged, but your town taxes increase. This is because the pool of properties paying into those taxing districts is different. |
HNA MEMBER INFORMATIONThe Hartsdale Neighbors Association (HNA) is a group of passionate volunteers who are driven to improve our community. We foster neighborhood engagement and community-based problem solving, enhance civic awareness and provide a vehicle for community-based efforts. If you’d like to be more involved with HNA and join the Executive Board, one of our committees or other efforts, please contact us at info@hartsdaleneighbors.org. |
IMPORTANT DATES Farmers Market starts Saturday June 11th, 8AM to 4PM in new temporary location off Hartsdale Avenue next to Irish Bank. HNA Virtual Public Forum – June 14 JUNETEENTH Celebration – June 17 Last day to file Assessment Grievance- June 21 Town Board Meeting – June 22 |
June 9, 2022, Newsletter