Hello Hartsdale, Community,
The HNA leadership group hopes you are all doing well. We have a number of important updates and hope you will find this email informative and useful.
Virtual Public Forum With The Commissioner of Public Works
On April 6th at 7:30PM, HNA will host a virtual public forum with Greenburgh’s New Commissioner of Public Works, Richard Fon. Since 2011, and prior to his taking on this new role, Mr. Fon was the Superintendent of Public Works for The Town of Greenburgh. Sanitation & recycling, winter snow removal, engineering, road safety and repair, flood zone management, sidewalk installation and zoning fall within Mr. Fon’s area of responsibility.
The event will be hosted on Zoom, with live streaming on HNA venues. The event will focus on the issues most important to our community and we ask that you send any questions you may have and topics of interest to us via email at info@hartsdaleneighbors.org by April 2nd, with the subject line “Richard Fon Questions.”
The Greenburgh Police Reform Report
On March 10th the Town Board will hear public comments on the Greenburgh Police report at the regularly scheduled Town Board Meeting.
In June 2020, in response to Nationwide protests over systemic racism, New York State tasked local governments to examine relations between their community and the local police and propose ways to improve those relations. The Greenburgh Against Systemic Racism Task force (GASR) was formed with Greenburgh Council Woman Gina Jackson as the chair. GASR held four public forums via Zoom and sent out two surveys to the public. The Greenburgh Police Reform Report | Greenburgh, NY was issued in February, 2021.
New School Superintendent Update
The Greenburgh Central School District Board conducted a nationwide search for a new school superintendent after declining to renew the contract of Dr. Chase. The search firm of Ray and Associates was hired to assist in the search and over the last several months met with candidates and stakeholders including parents and community members. The field was narrowed to two very qualified candidates for a Q& A with stakeholders and an offer was made recently. An announcement is forthcoming. This session and Board and Committee Meetings can be viewed on the GCSD Channel on YouTube.
School District COVID Preparedness
Although dealing with remote learning and hybrid solutions has been challenging for our community, GCSD was prepared better than many other districts. Providing all students with Chromebooks gave teachers and administrators a means of communication and remote learning during a difficult time, and helped ensure our children didn’t get left behind. In a matter of weeks, a process was put in place to get 7-day a week meal programs, provided for by federal budgets, to our children.
Our schools are responsible for the education for our children, but they are also foundations for socialization and emotional learning. During this time, students and families are under tremendous stress and GCSD has prioritized social and emotional well-being of our students, families and staff.
School Budget Vote and Election Day for School Board Members on May 18th
On May 18th, make your voice count, and help ensure our children continue to get the support they need during this difficult time. We will share the draft budget and election news as it becomes available.
Noise Ordinance Proposal to Further Limit Use of Leaf Blowers
As “spring cleaning” approaches, please be aware and let your landscapers know of local Noise Ordinances with regard to the time-of-day lawn mowers and leaf blowers can be used: only from 8:00am to 8:00pm weekdays, 9:00am. to 6:00pm on Saturdays and holidays, and 11:00 am to 6:00 pm on Sundays. Equipment with decibel levels higher than 75dBA are also restricted. From May 1st to October 1st, the decibel level can not exceed 55dBA. You can check the product specifications on your equipment to see if it complies.
In addition to the above ordinance, there is a proposal to make additional restrictions including banning the use of leaf blowers to certain times of year. The Town Board is scheduled to hear public comments on the proposal at the regularly scheduled Town Board Meeting on March 10th. The proposed ordinance can be found on The Town of Greenburgh site.
Edgemont Incorporation as a Village Ruling
The NYS Appellate division ruled the latest petition filed by The Edgemont Incorporation Committee (EIC), to bring a vote within Edgemont and incorporate as a village, failed to comply with NYS law. In the ruling handed down on February 24, the appellate division agreed with the Town of Greenburgh’s argument that the precise boundaries of the proposed new village, which intended to use the boundaries of the Greenville Fire District, were unacceptably because the precise boundaries of the fire district are disputed.
The EIC could appeal this ruling to New York’s highest court, the Court of Appeals, but that is unlikely to be successful. Now, the EIC has to decide whether to file what would be a third petition. Even if the EIC files a third petition, the ruling has likely forestalled a vote on Edgemont incorporation for another two years or more.
The Hartsdale Neighbors Association (HNA) is a group of passionate volunteers who are driven to improve our community. We foster neighborhood engagement and community-based problem solving, enhance civic awareness and provide a vehicle for community-based efforts. If you’d like to be more involved with HNA and join the Executive Board, one of our committees or other efforts, please contact us at info@hartsdaleneighbors.org.
Town Board Meeting (Public hearings for GASR and Leaf Blowers) – March 10th
Town Board Meeting – March 24th
HNA Virtual Public Forum – April 6th
Town Board Meeting – April 14th