The Town of Greenburgh is considering a proposed new Tree ordinance for the unincorporated areas that, unlike the current tree code, will apply to all property owners.   The materials for education, enforcement and rollout have not been widely distributed to property owners to give time for adequate review along side the draft of the final form of the ordinance. The Hartsdale Neighbors Association respectfully requests the Greenburgh Town Board to delay voting on this ordinance to allow for community engagement, education and rollout planning, and to consider potential changes to the ordinance.  We encourage residents to comment, so that we can all be thoughtful contributors to further shape the work that has been done by the Conservation Advisory Committee on the draft of the proposed ordinance.  The Town Board has scheduled a hearing with a possible vote for passage this Tuesday, November 19, at 7:00 at Town Hall.  We believe at least one more meeting should be held before a vote is taken.

The current version of the tree ordinance can be found by following the link here:

New Town Tree Law- HNA memo