The Edgemont Incorporation topic rumbles on and we promise to stay focused on it, but we are also looking beyond it to other issues that affect our community. We’re in the process of putting together the Hartsdale Neighbors Association (HNA) strategic plan and we need your help to influence the future direction of our community!
We have a list of topics & issues that we’re looking into, but we’re just a handful of people. We would like to bring the full weight of the HNA to other issues that concern our supporters. What issues would you like to see this organization tackle?
If you have any suggestions please reply to and tell us a little bit about how this group could help.
We’re looking for volunteers who are willing to give up a few hours a month to help plan, guide and execute on a wide range of projects. Our doors are open to all, but we’re also seeking individuals with skills in specific areas:
- Legal
- Finance
- Education
- Press Relations
- Media
- Graphic Design
- Project Management
- Fundraising
If you are interested in becoming an active member of the HNA and can donate a few hours a month to benefit your local community, please reply to and tell us a little bit about yourself.